Can I certify an individual packaging material?

Can I certify an individual packaging material?

ISTA test procedures are intended to be conducted on a specific packaged-product (complete systems of product and packaging) and is not intended to approve or certify an individual packaging material.  Performance of a packaging system will differ depending on the contents within that packaging system which is why ISTA tests are intended for a specific packaged-product.  An example would be, putting pillows or metal chains in a corrugated box - each are going to perform differently and so to say that a corrugated box is approved or certified and not assign a product can be misleading. 


What we have seen be productive for packaging suppliers looking to challenge a new design or packaging material to a given industry standard is to conduct testing with a range of products that could be contained in this packaging system.  These reports will not only give you the confidence of satisfactory performance but when speaking with potential customers, you can share that this packaging system was “designed to ISTA Boxing” or “designed to ISTA____.”  You can share or show the test reports that you have completed to provide confidence in the design and then ultimately, ask to conduct testing on their specific product for final verification of performance.  This will show the customer that you have done diligence in designing the packaging system and that it’s not just the opinion of your sales person.  Finally, the testing with their actual product will leave them with the needed approval and paperwork to do business with Amazon (or for non-Amazon tests, the test report provides them the leverage to overturn packaging damage claims with carriers such as UPS).